Quantum Technology Research Group
See www.tuhh.de/quantum for our new homepage.
See Contact for directions.
- 01|2023 Our new homepage is online: www.tuhh.de/quantum
- 11|2022 General guarantees for randomized benchmarking with random quantum circuits accepted for a talk at QIP 2023
- 11|2022 Optimizing the depth of variational quantum algorithms is strongly QCMA-hard to approximate accepted for a talk at QIP 2023
- 11|2022 Closed-form analytic expressions for shadow estimation with brickwork circuits uploaded to the arXiv
- 11|2022 Our group will move to the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), here are press realeases by the TUHH and our main donor Fujitsu
- 11|2022 Salwa Shaglel is joining our group as a PhD student. Warm welcome!
- 10|2022 Fast gradient estimation for variational quantum algorithms uploaded to the arXiv
- 09|2022 Learning logical quantum noise in quantum error correction uploaded to the arXiv
- 06|2022 Synthesis of and compilation with time-optimal multi-qubit gates uploaded to the arXiv
- 05|2022 Distance-based resource quantification for sets of quantum measurements uploaded to the arXiv
- 03|2022 New PhD position in Abu Dhabi with Leandro Aolita, see Quantiki
- 02|2022 Scalable approach to many-body localization via quantum data uploaded to the arXiv
- 12|2021 Compressive gate set tomography uploaded to the arXiv
- 09|2021 Training variational quantum algorithms is NP-hard appeared as Editor's Suggestion in PRL
- 07|2021 Pauli channels can be estimated from syndrome measurements in quantum error correction uploaded to the arXiv
- 05|2021 A press release on our projects was published
- 05|2021 Nikolai Miklin joined the group as a postdoc. Warm welcome!
- 05|2021 The BMBF project MIQRO with our contribution "Characterization, benchmarking and showcase applications for emerging quantum hardware" is starting.
- 04|2021 Christopher Cedzich joined the group as a postdoc. Warm welcome!
- 04|2021 Pascal Baßler joined the group as PhD student. Warm welcome!
- 03|2021 The BMBF project MANIQU with our contribution "Efficient readout of NISQ computers" is starting.
- 03|2021 Optimal noise estimation from syndrome statistics of quantum codes published in Phys. Rev. Research
- 02|2021 Mirko Arienzo and Matthias Zipper joined the group PhDs students, Markus Heinrich as postdoc. Warm welcome!
- 01|2021 Theory of quantum system certification published as a tutorial in PRX Quantum
- 11|2020 Our group will be supported by the prestigious Emmy Noether program
- 09|2020 Alexander Gresch is starting his PhD. Warm welcome (again)!
- 06|2020 Alexander Gresch has finished his Master's degree. Congratulations!
- 06|2020 Reliable recovery of hierarchically sparse signals for Gaussian and Kronecker product measurements finally published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- 08|2019 Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities published in Quantum
- 06|2019 Sample complexity of device-independently certified "quantum supremacy featured in Phys.org
- 04|2019 Simultaneous structures in convex signal recovery - revisiting the convex combination of norms published in Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- 04|2019 Sample complexity of device-independently certified "quantum supremacy accepted in PRL
- 12|2018 Sample complexity of device-independently certified "quantum supremacy -> arXiv
- 11|2018 Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities accepted for a talk at QIP 2019 (among the 60 out of 349 accepted submissions)
- 10|2018 Start of a new lecture: Machine learning in quantum physics
- 09|2018 Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities selected as Editor's Suggestion in PRL
- 08|2018 Lennart Bittel and Raphael Brieger are starting their PhDs. Warm welcome!
- 06|2018 Note on the saturation of the norm inequalities between diamond and nuclear norm accepted in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- 05|2018
Fidelity witnesses for fermionic quantum simulations made it into PRL - 04|2018
Start: junior professorship for quantum technology at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf - 03|2018
Book chapter on thermal quantum states -> arXiv - 12|2017
Direct certification of a class of quantum simulations selected as anniversary highlight in Quantum Science and Technology - 11|2017
On products of Gaussian random variables -> arXiv - 08|2017
Proceedings: On the distribution of a product of N Gaussian random variables - 06|2017
Guaranteed recovery of quantum processes from few measurements and
Mixing properties of stochastic quantum Hamiltonians at TQC in Paris - 11|2016
Mixing Properties of Stochastic Quantum Hamiltonians made it into CMP